Freedom Convoy – Feb. 9, 22 – Begins with Begging Police Officers to Act Lawfully …

Must Watch Even Before “Address To Police Officers” below …

Nurse asks why Media does not report on children’s depression from covid, but instead slanders their parents for rallying to have their Freedoms returned …

CBC Workers In Ottawa “Must Watch” | IrnieracingNews …

Canadian trucker slams Trudeau: ‘He’s calling us …’ names …

Brian Denison Address To Police Officers | Freedom Convoy Feb. 8, 2022 #irnieracingNews

Following link is to Feb. 8th footage on Freedom Movement which includes “Volunteer Firemen Bring Fuel For Trucker Convoy” …

Freedom Convoy – “We’re not afraid of being unlawfully arrested!” Freedom Fighter Speaks | IrnieNews …

Watch For This Fed Instigator” Ottawa Feb.8 2022 | #irnieracingNewsTips

New Zealand –  showing what it’s made of! Rain or shine we show up! More coming in the next few days! …

NZ Freedom Convoy 2022 – YouTube

Awful Trudeau Calls Canadian Truckers Nazis

Fauci & the COVID Narrative Are Imploding in Front of Our Eyes | Rand Paul | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Ottawa Police Posturing to take Children from Protesters – Freedom Convoy 2022 …

Notes from site responders on the evolution of the Freedom Truckers, Farmers, Mounties, Firemen, and Fringe media that support this Democratic rally to return their children’s freedoms …

  1. The science seemingly left the building when provincial hospitals begged unvaccinated nurses to keep treating people, to save health care from collapsing, while leading politicians threatened to fine these workers with taxes for contributing to this collapse …
  2. Politicians will get away with contributing to the collapse of this care, for as long as they can keep people arguing among themselves about how much these unvaccinated workers are to blame
  3. Homes nearly double in value so officials demand a new tax that allows them to seize a major portion of this value, because politicians want to keep increasing their salaries
  4. Past time to start thinking outside the box …

Mountie resigns from Trudeau and speaks out

Request For an Apology from Trudeau for Slandering Canadians