Ban Liberals from Elections for Shutting Down Parliament During Covid

Political parties should lose their freedom to run in elections when they disregard the Democratic process.

Canadians employ Parliament to help Politicians run the nation, including extended CERB and EI programs during a crisis; because they choose to act like a Democracy.

People can not afford to waste tax funds on salary hikes for highly paid Officials, when these funds are needed for untold families that have lost their incomes.

This Liberal party acts like they do not care how grossly they waste these funds, by paying higher salaries to these Officials; while they shut down their work to aid these families.

These leaders negligently shut down this work and left people fearful of losing these benefits, if they did not let them remain in power.

This party has left taxpayers with escalating debt from these salary hikes, while they keep these Officials unable to aid these families.

This party could not make people put up with their unethical Finance Minister, because Parliament was working at the time.

Parties that want to takeover power will likely keep any promises to extend these programs, as guaranteed paychecks are worth gold during this crisis. They may also:

  • Offer safer ways to obtain educations as this may help them win these golden paychecks;
  • Agree to freeze salaries of non-essential staff while families need this aid, to similarly help them takeover power;
  • Apologize for negligently leaving taxpayers with this escalating debt, by condoning these unnecessary salary hikes while families needed these funds.

Since people have been left fearful of what benefits they can depend on, enough folks may agree this party lose their freedom to run in elections; for negligently shutting down this parliamentary support.

Furthermore, they may agree to abolish laws that allow leaders to shut down Parliament; to ensure this formal aid remains at hand in a crisis.

Forms are underway to help people show whether they subsequently agree. Until then, any of the following may be submitted to help gain control of Politicians:

Help Stop Politicians from Acting Unethically
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Enter "" if not free to leave your own, due to "court gaggings" or other restrictions.

Dismissing Officials that Employ Unjust Police
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Considering so called "court gaggings" force hoards to remain unknown, to avoid punishment for speeking freely about the abusive treatment they received.

Dismissing Officials that Enforce Undemocratic Rules
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.

Help Replace Negligent Superior Syndics
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.

Dismissing Officials that Diminish Education Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

Dismissing Officials that Reduce Emergency Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

Revoking Parliamentary Retirements for Overtaxing People
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these undeserving Politicians.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Help Penalize Public Agents for Grand Theft
Please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these abusive agents, since they can be dismissed if enough folks show they agree with firing them for it.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Permitting Penal Systems to Charge Civil Servants
So please leave your thoughts to help dismiss these offenders until these systems can charge them like laymen.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Using Ballot Routines to Dismiss Offensive Politicians
So please leave your thoughts to help get rid of these high-ranking offenders, until these ballot routines are available to help dismiss them.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Using Complaint Systems Against Politicians
Please leave your thoughs to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these uncivil Officials.
Since it takes a village to stop their misconduct, which includes producing forms that show enough folks want to fire them for it.

Help Stop Harmful Surgeons from Operating
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these high-ranking offenders.
Since it takes a village to stop their mistreatment, which includes producing forms that show enough people want to get rid of them for it.

Help Stop Corrupt Lawyers from Abusing Victims
So victims are not forced to leave the courts without justice, when they can no longer afford these bankrupting costs to make them obey these deadlines.
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these high ranking offenders.
Enter "" if not comfortable with providing your own.

Outlawing "Court Gaggings" that Remove Freedom of Speech
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes, on keeping these unlawful court appointees.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous, by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.