Destroying spike protein! – COVID-19 update 60 …
Japanese food called Natto (Nato) that is a fermented soybean and produces nutrients, which helps degrade spike proteins that compromise the immune system following boosters ….

(574) Destroying spike protein! – COVID-19 update 60 – YouTube
Dr. Paul Marik on Dangers of Spike Protein Buildup—From Inflammation to Autoimmune Disease …
“”Spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen” … Since vaccinations increase your load of Spike protein the worse thing to do for long covid is to get booster shots … Your load of Spike protein determines the severity of adverse effects including neurological and cardiac events, debilitating fatigue, inflamed organs, blood clotting, and compromised immune systems … The more you get vaccinated the greater your load of Spike protein … 18 months after vaccination or long covid Spike proteins were still found circulating in white cells …”

Embalmers exposing the blood clots from the Jab “(Documentary: Died Suddenly) “…””

Excess deaths, lack of data – Dr John Campbell …
“We need an open public debate about what is causing these world wide excess deaths, where we consider all possible factors, identify the lethal ones, take them away, and stop people from dying.
We follow the evidence wherever it leads. Might it take us somewhere we wouldn’t like to be? Yes it may. Might it take us to some uncomfortable truths? Ya it might do. Might it lead us to question assumptions that we’ve accepted all our lives? Might we have to change some of our fundamental beliefs? Might we have to question some fundamental authorities that we believed we could rely on, that we believed had our best interests at heart? Ya We might do. We follow the evidence wherever it leads, because if we don’t then we’re not living in reality.“

(97) Excess deaths, lack of data – YouTube
More on Battling the WEF’s Barbaric Reset, Trudeau’s Abuse of Power, U.S. Wars to Control Energy, Dire Protein Spikes Following Boosters …
“Hearings begin to combat interference in Canadian elections by the Chinese communist regime, as it appears Trudeau and several Cabinet members ignored Intelligence briefings on it for 10 months now. The Intelligence briefings include corrupting political financing laws by funding a network of candidates through Chinese communist intermediaries, placing agents in MP offices to influence policy, spreading disinformation specifically targeted at conservative candidates, and directing funds through the Toronto Chinese consulate to support their close ties with the city’s school board.”

“Short but informative on developments within the International Crimes Investigative Committee, and their intentions to continue helping people affected by the Elite’s “plandemic” crimes against humanity” …


“A Florida physician cites an increase in miscarriage rates by around 50%, as well as increases in abnormal pap smears and cervical malignancies by close to 25% since the vaccine rollout. Authorities negligently overlook clinics that are harmfully misleading the public with claims that “the vaccine itself is inactivated so it shouldn’t cause any detrimental effects to pregnancy”. Adverse Events Reporting shows a total of 4113 foetal deaths of which 3209 were reported against the Pfizer injection as of April 2022.“

“A small team of DEDICATED people gathered EVIDENCE that the centre was NOT providing full INFORMED CONSENT. The lies given to the patient are causing catastrophic harm and injury to those who feel they are receiving an informed choice. The majority of information that they gave to one of our team was FALSE and when the POLICE arrived they would NOT even LOOK at it.”
More in the Battle Against the WEF, Fake Media, Big Pharma – Dire Protein Spikes Following Boosters – Blackrock Going Woke …
Kim Iversen: US Media IGNORES Zelenskyy’s Anti-Democratic CRACKDOWN On Dissent …

The Truth Is Coming Out – Russell Brand …

The Truth Is Coming Out – YouTube
Russell Brand – It’s Happening Again

It’s Happening Again – YouTube
‘It’s about time’: Trump suing Hillary Clinton over Russiagate scandal

‘It’s about time’: Trump suing Hillary Clinton over Russiagate scandal – YouTube
The ‘battle for freedom and common sense’ is just beginning …

Shows News on Hunter Biden’s Laptop was Circulating Back in November 2021 …

Global Want-to-be Leaders (GWLs) wish to know which kids fit into their idea of profitable citizens, by monitoring their school communication platforms; which is basically spying on students. These GWLs believe they will get away with monitoring these school communications, by claiming that it is meant to prevent bullying and psychological stresses.
At some point only their idea of profitable citizens might remain that have to help with gov’t sanctioned deaths, when people become unprofitable.
Sidebar with George Gammon – Viva & Barnes Economics Stuffs …
$U.S. dollar as reserve currency and control of the banking system …
Infiltrated Media, Scholastic Institutions, Parliaments and Senates …
Russia is trying to break U.S. control over international currency by insisting on payment for their exports in their own Russia’s currency, so countries are forced to trade in it.
Now fewer countries force themselves to pay in $U.S. dollars …
Countries stopped storing U.S. assets and money when the U.S. froze Russia’s reserve Assets (Russia’s Foreign FX Reserves) …
“Politicians misunderstand the science that shows compromised immune systems developed following boosters”
More citizens may reclaim their rights to Informed consent once confronted with the developing facts on covid related deaths. They may also wish they had not consented to booster shots just because
“Politicians misunderstand the science that shows compromised immune systems followed booster shots”.
Currently there are fewer people dying from covid as opposed to those that are dying from sudden unexpected diseases while they have covid. It would be negligent of Politicians to keep mandating booster shots while these sudden deaths are increasing, until it is proven that they are not caused by compromised immune systems from these boosters.
These booster shots are now linked to dire effects like sudden new cancers in survivors having weakened immunities after receiving these shots.
Canadians were left misinformed by the Liberal’s subsidized media as a consequence of suppressing this video … Question is how much either party is responsible for the damages caused by leaving the public misinformed on the gross agenda of this Mr. Klaus Schwab ...

Kids Vaccine Efficacy Requirement is GONE! | Peter Marks Drops the 50% rule
FDA can no longer claim they mean to protect people, as there is no science that suggests “If these vaccines … seem less effective against omicron”; then the FDA may overlook this as well as growing evidence that they appear to cause more harm than good in children …

Calls on the government to reject the WHO’s entreaty, “which would cede sovereign control to the WHO in times of pandemic”, and leave taxpayers with another level of government that they must support. Furthermore, any police intended to enforce the WHO’s orders are similarly unwanted …

Elon Musk: Self driving cars, why people need to have more children, re-useable rockets, and the need for less government control everywhere but space probes …

“Fuellmich talks about what a six-day grand jury investigation he and a group of attorneys presented to the public revealed, including that fraudulent PCR testing was used to kick off the “plandemic,” that vaccines are “the worst experiment ever performed on mankind,” and that drastic population reduction is among the nefarious goals of those responsible for these and other crimes against humanity.
Fuellmich says his team is now planning to investigate and publicly charge the identified culprits”. As of Nov. 3rd, 2022- Authorities have not yet charged any identified offenders …
P.S. concerning the above Jury proceedings (1) the word “Plandemic” is used to indicate the health crisis appeared planned; (2) it looks like the success of follow-up trials in India could lead to capitol punishment for Gates; (3) Most importantly it appears that repeated boosters are intended to induce compromised immune systems for drug profits …
Joining people together under a name like AWF that are against the WEF’s Great Reset policies could create a large enough body to halt their expanding control.
If Blackrock is the WEF’s chosen Investors because they have power over trillions of dollars, then concerned customers should transfer their Blackrock investments to Tesla’s bankers; so Blackrock’s lose of control over this much wealth may halt the WEF’s ominous Reset.
P.S. Just need to know the name of Tesla’s bankers, and thank this company’s for it’s work to restore freedom of speech where it is being besieged.
It seems the WEF needs to break down society so they can rebuild it with digital currencies and credit scores granted on the basis of how well everyone obeyed orders. It appears Democracies need society to break down so it can be rebuilt it with better protection against raiders like the WEF. If Democracies must face this breakdown then securing this better protection is past due.
The U.S. and Canada have learned that they may be taken over by the WEF and need more than the justice courts to uphold their democratic and constitutional rights …
Poilievre Calls For The Resignation of Marco Mendicino – Front Page News …

“It’s clear that Minister made false statements in the House of Commons. And it wasn’t just about something trivial. He wanted to give Trudeau cover to invoke the Emergencies Act, freeze people’s bank accounts, and trample on civil liberties.”
Since C-11 is not yet law it may not help this Minister to escape justice, by suppressing information that shows his dishonest conduct …
What the WEF just said at Davos is TERRIFYING, and we should all pay attention | with Clayton Morris


“April 1st 2022- Fuellmich talks about what a six-day grand jury investigation he and a group of attorneys presented to the public revealed, including that fraudulent PCR testing was used to kick off the “plandemic”, that vaccines are “the worst experiment ever performed on mankind”, and that drastic population reduction is among the nefarious goals of those responsible for these and other crimes against humanity.” As of Nov. 3rd, 2022- Authorities have not yet charged any identified offenders …