Removing Loathsome Taxes, Escalating Fines, and Vicious Penalties

Like Inheritance taxes, as it seems most people did not agree to let officials confiscate more from them after they died; and could not argue about it. This is grabbing from the sacred remains of what people were permitted to keep, after suffering a life time of these confiscations. Plus:

Welcome taxes, as they are heaping burdens on people that have already been gruesomely charged for trying to start a home;
Escalating penalties if fines are not paid off swiftly, as it is unlawful to indebt people at such an accelerated rate;
Fines on late tax payments, as they despicably bankrupt people that cannot afford these late penalties;
Extra taxes on investments from what little income people can keep, as again this is grabbing from their sacred remains. Worse, these taxes are used to secure parliamentary retirements before similar public ones; and inciting mobs that are forced to surrender this extra income without compensation;
Confiscating over 50% of taxpayer’s incomes, as democracies are not supposed to force people to surrender over half of what they earn;
Extra insurance fines for driving infractions, as this is brutal treatment on top of the penalties and insurance hikes charged for these minor offenses;
Additional taxes to improve ways of charging property owners, as the need for fewer clerks that accompanies improved billing methods already compensates; for the costs of upgrading these municipal billing systems;
Taxes on tips, as it is contemptible to confiscate part of the tokens of gratitude shared between people for acting kindly; when they are forced to tax each other for their services.

Our Representatives may claim that job cuts will be needed to compensate for this huge tax loss. However, hoards of offensive agents can be charged outstanding fines for ignoring their penal jobs; which would eliminate the need for these gruesome confiscations. These offenders can be identified by their public badges included in their neglected warrants, which shows enough evidence to charge officials for not using this identification to collect these outstanding fines.

Removing these extra taxes to secure parliamentary benefits could stop inciting these mobs that are forced to surrender this extra income, without compensation.

Our Ministers may also claim that we can’t afford to get rid of these taxes because not enough will remain, to compensate for it’s grand theft at official levels.

Increased monitoring of Official’s spending can be done to eliminate the need for these inexcusable compensations, and why support for this monitoring to stop this grand theft is growing.

The following form can be submitted to return your comments on the benefits of stopping this gruesome overtaxing; as in the tax savings from dismissing the revenue agents that seize them.

However please stay mindful of social dictates, as internet police do not let volatile content pass without notice.
Thanks to Hubsview for funding psychological services for SOAA (Survivors of Abusive Authorities).