Save Mega Taxes by Getting Rid of Corrupt Authorities

Help replace Syndic officers that negligently free harmful Doctors to operate, and fire Officials that seize soaring taxes to pay off lawsuits against them; through the form below named “Help Stop Harmful Surgeons from Operating”.

These negligent officers can be replaced with safer protection like that used by practitioners, so they can no longer:

  • Force victims to pay monstrous legal costs to make them show up in court, when they refuse to advise Judges about these harmful Physicians;
  • Leave people in harms way of these offensive Doctors, as few victims can afford these monstrous legal costs to stop them from operating;
  • Let these criminal Physicians alter patient’s records to hide evidence from the courts, by excusing these crimes as religious customs to save face;
  • Allow these Doctors to unlawfully withhold evidence from the courts, by letting them disobey warrants to surrender medical records.

Help save taxes by firing Officials that retain these offensive Syndics through this form as well, so they can no longer:

  • Let them shut off communications with victims so little evidence of their offensive behavior shows to discharge them for it;
  • Keep penal systems from charging them for misconduct on the job;
  • Restrict people from easily submitting complaints against their mistreatment, so again little evidence of it shows to discharge them for it;
  • Leave Justice systems with inadequate resources to investigate complaints against them, so it is nearly impossible to stop their corrupt conduct.

This form mostly means to show support to dismiss these negligent Officials, since it appears otherwise impossible to get rid of them.

Help Stop Harmful Surgeons from Operating
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these high-ranking offenders.
Since it takes a village to stop their mistreatment, which includes producing forms that show enough people want to get rid of them for it.

Help replace similar negligent Syndics that let Lawyers unlawfully disobey court deadlines, through the form below named “Help Stop Corrupt Lawyers from Abusing Victims”.

These similar negligent Syndics can be replaced with safer protection like that used by Advocates, so they can no longer let these abusive Lawyers:

  • Force victims to pay bankrupting legal costs to make them obey these deadlines, which ensures few of them can afford to remain in the courts for Justice;
  • Accost victims with pre-trial charges past the number of years allowed, which ensures even fewer can afford to remain in the courts for Justice;
  • Take away victim’s rights to speak freely about their harmful assailants through so called “court gaggings”, when they can no longer afford these bankrupting costs for Justice;
  • Force victims to leave the courts without Justice under threats of worse charges, if they warn laymen about these harmful offenders.

Help save greater taxes by firing Officials that retain these further offensive Syndics through this form as well, so they can no longer:

  • Let them shut off communications with victims so little evidence of their negligence shows to discharge them for it;
  • Keep penal systems from charging them for misconduct on the job;
  • Restrict people from easily submitting complaints against their mistreatment, so again little evidence of it shows to discharge them for it;
  • Leave Justice systems with inadequate resources to investigate complaints against them, so it is nearly impossible to stop their corrupt conduct.

This form similarly means to show support to dismiss these negligent Officials, since it appears otherwise impossible to get rid of them as well.

Help Stop Corrupt Lawyers from Abusing Victims
So victims are not forced to leave the courts without justice, when they can no longer afford these bankrupting costs to make them obey these deadlines.
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these high ranking offenders.
Enter "" if not comfortable with providing your own.

Help replace Superior Syndics that let their officers act this corruptly, through the form below named “Help Replace Negligent Superior Syndics”.

These further offensive Syndics can be replaced with safer protection like that used by Auditors, so they can no longer:

  • Let lawyers accost victims with bankrupting pre-trial charges past the number of years allowed, which ensures so few can afford to remain in the courts for Justice;
  • Allow victims limited days to display the receipts that prove these lawyers accosted them with these pre-trial charges;
  • Disregard this proof and shut off communications with victims, to keep evidence from showing so few can afford these bankrupting costs for Justice.

Help save even greater taxes by firing Officials that retain these offensive Superior authorities through this form as well, so they can no longer:

  • Let them shut off communications with victims so little evidence of their negligent behavior shows to discharge them for it;
  • Keep penal systems from charging them for misconduct on the job;
  • Restrict people from easily submitting complaints against their mistreatment, so again little evidence of it shows to discharge them for it;
  • Leave Justice systems with inadequate resources to investigate complaints against them, so it is nearly impossible to stop their corrupt conduct.

This form means to show support to dismiss these further negligent Officials, since it appears impossible to stop them from sinfully increasing their Parliamentary salaries as well.

Help Replace Negligent Superior Syndics
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.

Mega taxes could be saved by discharging Quebec’s so called “Employment police”, since they are hired to restrict People’s rights.

These police restrict non-bilingual citizens from accepting work, while worse authorities charge those that cannot afford the tax increases to arm them.

Help fire Officials that retain these unjust police by submitting the following form, which promotes their former salaries being used to improve Unemployment benefits and Workers compensation

Dismissing Officials that Employ Unjust Police
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Considering so called "court gaggings" force hoards to remain unknown, to avoid punishment for speeking freely about the abusive treatment they received.

More mega taxes could be saved by discharging Quebec’s so called “Education police”, since they restrict People’s rights to be taught in the Official language of their choice; as well as:

  • Forbid private schools to teach all classes in this chosen language, when folks take this costly route to pass their educations;
  • Force people to pay additional costs when they fail these private classes, because they cannot be taught in this Official language.

Worse police also charge those that cannot afford these additional costs, on top of increasing school taxes and salaries for these extra cops.

Help fire Officials that retain these further unjust authorities by submitting the following form, which favors their former salaries being used to improve Education services as well. 

Immense taxes could be saved by discharging Officials that intend to hire more of these unjust police, meant to:

  • Restrict people from wearing religious apparel at work;
  • Restrict citizens from growing weed in their home gardens;
  • Restrict folks from selling products if their labels are not bilingual.

These Officials get away with subjecting people to hoards of these offensive cops, by leaving Justice systems with inadequate resources to stop them; so similar forms are progressing to show enough support to dismiss them.

The following forms are also provided to help grow happiness with control of Politicians:

Outlawing "Court Gaggings" that Remove Freedom of Speech
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes, on keeping these unlawful court appointees.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous, by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.

Permitting Penal Systems to Charge Civil Servants
So please leave your thoughts to help dismiss these offenders until these systems can charge them like laymen.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.
Using Ballot Routines to Dismiss Offensive Politicians
So please leave your thoughts to help get rid of these high-ranking offenders, until these ballot routines are available to help dismiss them.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Dismissing Officials that Diminish Education Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

wpforms id=”1393″ title=”true” description=”true”]

Penalizing Politicians that Break Election Promises
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these undeserved retirement packages.